who am I?

who am I?
my 2010 haircut
Inspired by the Julie/Julia Project, mine is all about falling in love -- with your self, your faith, and your life. In this world where our hearts yearn for a partner, I will continue to everyday grow in a good way, till my love tank's full and ready to share that love to the man I will choose....
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Day 424 - Its what they call "Growing Up"

It's funny that sometimes other people see you better than you see yourself. It's even funnier when some people think that they have figured you all out when they don't even know the first thing about you. At the end of the day, these words will only matter if you let them to. You determine your place in the world, consciously and subconsciously. Sometimes, the big questions are there not be answered. That life, however overwhelming it could be, is only about simple questions. There are times you want to run, but deep inside you know you were not born for cowardice but for abundance. You just have to let go of the comfortable things and face what you are afraid of. And there are times that you really have to accept things for what they were, cut the drama, and move on.

Yes. It is what they call growing up. And when it calls for you, you know that you just have to give in.

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