who am I?

who am I?
my 2010 haircut
Inspired by the Julie/Julia Project, mine is all about falling in love -- with your self, your faith, and your life. In this world where our hearts yearn for a partner, I will continue to everyday grow in a good way, till my love tank's full and ready to share that love to the man I will choose....
Heart Beat

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Day 71 - that thing called TIME

I am usually late. YES. The reason? hmm, maybe because I don't like waiting, i really don't. That is why I don't prepare early if ever I need to meet someone or go somewhere. But last night, I had to wait for someone because she will let me borrow our reviewer for our major subject. That reviewer will be used for our quiz. Well, I can just forget the idea and go home that night, especially because I am not feeling well and I still have work. But I waited. And when I said I waited, I really waited. And I hate the feeling. I am getting dizzy with all the people going out of the school gates. But I realized that I am the one asking for favor. I realized that if I hate waiting, how do the people I force to wait for me feel? haha I mean I know that even before. I just realized that with all I'm trying to do lately, school, work, catching up with friends, and I'm still looking for an extra work, I need to pay homage and give time importance. Not for others but for myself. Love time chel, love time.

There you go. Now, I will prepare to meet blest. We'll be watching eclipse. :D
I have high hopes. Eclipse is my favorite part of the series. Hoe the movie will be spectacular.


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